High-Quality Tools for
Enhanced Longevity
and Efficiency

Say Goodbye to Outdated Tech

Tools for
Longevity and Efficiency

Say Goodbye to Outdated Tech

Our Choice of Premium IT Tools
WatchGuard provides the industry's most secure and intelligent security devices for SMBs. From firewalls to multi-factor authentication, they help us keep you protected at all times.
Cylance uses artificial intelligence to deliver prevention-first, predictive security products and specialized security services that change the way business are protected.
ConnectSecure delivers an all-in-one vulnerability assessment tool that allows us to easily evaluate the state of your IT. Uncover potential vulnerabilities and areas for structural improvement for greater productivity.
Keeper is our trusted password manager that allows us and our clients to easily store and protect our passwords. This tool even allows you to share your passwords in the safest way possible.
Barracuda is the industry's most comprehensive email-security platform that safeguards against spam, phishing scams, and other email threats from harming your business.
Equinox is among the top 5% of Microsoft partners worldwide. We achieve this by offering exceptional solutions to our clients through Microsoft's state-of-the-art products and tools.
Huntress is a managed detection and response tool we utilize to stay ahead of cyber threats attacking endpoints, email, and identity.
APC provides uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) that allows your business to continue functioning even in the event of a power failure. Reduce costly downtime and increase productivity through these proactive tools.
Our Choice of Premium IT Tools
WatchGuard provides the industry's most secure and intelligent security devices for SMBs. From firewalls to multi-factor authentication, they help us keep you protected at all times.
Cylance uses artificial intelligence to deliver prevention-first, predictive security products and specialized security services that change the way business are protected.
ConnectSecure delivers an all-in-one vulnerability assessment tool that allows us to easily evaluate the state of your IT. Uncover potential vulnerabilities and areas for structural improvement for greater productivity.
Keeper is our trusted password manager that allows us and our clients to easily store and protect our passwords. This tool even allows you to share your passwords in the safest way possible.
Barracuda is the industry's most comprehensive email-security platform that safeguards against spam, phishing scams, and other email threats from harming your business.
Equinox is among the top 5% of Microsoft partners worldwide. We achieve this by offering exceptional solutions to our clients through Microsoft's state-of-the-art products and tools.
Huntress is a managed detection and response tool we utilize to stay ahead of cyber threats attacking endpoints, email, and identity.
APC provides uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) that allows your business to continue functioning even in the event of a power failure. Reduce costly downtime and increase productivity through these proactive tools.
Don't let unexpected interruptions hinder your business growth.
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Happy Clients. Healthy Technology.

We founded Equinox with the vision of relieving daily stresses of technology by providing a higher level of service and support.

Since 2002, we have provided exceptional service and support to hundreds of clients. We build our services around protection and advancement for your business through proactive care, backup and disaster recovery, security, and technical support.

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